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Welcome to HumanCapital.Stat

What is HumanCapital.Stat?

HumanCapital.Stat is a warehouse of statistics on human capital produced by the Italian National Institute of Statistics (Istat) and other national and international Institutions (Invalsi, Unioncamere, Eurostat, Oecd). HumanCapital.Stat allows for the comparison of the data from our country with those from EU and OECD countries, and territorial analysis (up to the regional level) as well. Originated from a joint Istat - Isfol (Institute for development of vocational training for workers) project, HumanCapital.Stat offers useful information to different types of users (researchers, policy makers, journalists, citizens) meeting new information needs.

Who can have access to HumanCapital.Stat?

Access to the system is free of charge and open to everybody. Users can navigate datasets, create custom tables, export data in xls, csv, and SDMX formats.

What can be found in HumanCapital.Stat?

Statistics are organized into three sections:

  • Quantitative e qualitative human capital indicators, with information on expenditure on education, learning environment and organization of education institutions, population by education attainment, participation in education and training, student's skills and cognitive abilities;
  • Human capital and labour market indicators, containing labour market stock indicators by educational attainment and qualified labour demand;
  • Income-based human capital indicators, with data on volume indexes by socio-demographic characteristics, with information on labor income by education level, private net present value and internal rate of return of education.

How does the system work?

The system is based on the technology of OECD data warehouse (OECD.Stat), a software platform for statistical services also adopted by Istat for the I.Stat data warehouse. Data are presented in multidimensional tables; acting on variables, reference periods and the arrangement of heads and sides users can create custom tables. A wide range of standard metadata facilitates the retrieval and understanding of statistics by users. HumanCapital.Stat's contents are regularly upgraded as data are made available from different sources.


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